Young People
Children of all ages are welcome to stay in both churches throughout all services. However there is also a crèche for the youngest children every Sunday at Holy Trinity and a comfortable area in the south transept where slightly older children can look at books or make pictures.
The children’s corner at St John’s has recently been refurbished and makes a pleasant space for parents to sit with young children and from which they can still see and hear all that is going on in the church and feel a part of the service.

Family (All-Age) Worship
Families with children are welcome at all our services. However, the All-age Worship Services at 10.00 am on the first Sunday in each month at Holy Trinity and the second Sunday at St. John’s, are planned as especially family-friendly services, to which all are welcome – young and old, regular church-goers and occasional worshippers, members of the community and visitors. Join us for an hour of worship followed by refreshments.

A Baptism (or Christening as it is often called) is the first step on an amazing journey; a time to thank God for the gift of life and to acknowledge his love for us all. At the Church of England website you will find all you need to know about choosing, planning and going to a Church of England Christening. The website has useful information about what a Christening is, choosing Godparents, preparing for the big day and a step by step guide to the service. Then it’s time to speak to someone at church and a call (0114 249 0377) will set the ball in motion. We are always pleased to hear from anyone wanting to arrange a Christening.

Links with Schools
The churches enjoy good relations with the schools within the parish boundary (Dobcroft Infant and Junior Schools, St Wilfrid’s RC Primary School and Bradway Primary). We are delighted that groups of school pupils have for many years visited the churches in the context of their RE studies.
Scouts and Guides
Scouts, Cubs and Beavers:
The 180th Sheffield Holy Trinity Millhouses group, comprising Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and the Wanato (1-8-0) Explorer Scouts, meet at the Holy Trinity Parish Centre. Please enquire via this link.
While they are not run directly by the parishes, there are Rainbow packs based at both churches, who greatly value the association:
99th Sheffield Rainbows (St John’s Church Hall) – contact Sally on 0114 249 4113
129th Sheffield Rainbows (Holy Trinity Church Hall) - contact Ali on 0114 235 1610

Sunday Group and Hotstuff
Sunday Group caters for children from approximately 4 to 11 years and Hotstuff for young people aged 11 - 14. Both groups meet in the Church Hall every Sunday in term-time except the first Sunday of each month, when everyone stays in church throughout the All-age Service. Sunday Group and Hotstuff members assemble at the front of church after the processional hymn at the start of the 10.00 am service, and after a short prayer they follow the young people’s cross and go over to the hall.
Activities in age-related groups may include worship, games, drama, story-telling and creative activities, to follow a theme for the week
Returning to church, in time for the Communion, they join their parents or carers and normally receive the bread and wine, or a blessing, with their own family. Towards the end of the service, children delight in the opportunity to show their pictures and creative work to the whole congregation

Trinity Tots
Trinity Tots is a toddler groups that meets in Holy Trinity Church Hall from 10am to 11.30am on Thursdays during term time. The group is aimed at the 0-3 age range, where carers and toddlers play together with a wide range of toys, play dough, painting and craft activities and share refreshments. Carers stay and are responsible for their children at all times. The group is run by members of the church, although everyone is encouraged to help tidy away and join in the singing. We also have occasional park trips, outings and nights out.
The toddler group is currently full and operating a waiting list so please contact Pat Kirbyshaw (0114 236 2643) for more details.